The above picture is a remembrance of Grandma Bessie...she was loved beyond compare and played a special part in my life. Her husband died and she was left to raise three boys and one daughter (my Mom) and did a fine job indeed. She took in laundry, worked in a restaurant, and then received her LPN license. Grandma Bessie worked at the local hospital for many years and I always thought everyone in town knew her as their kind, sweet, loving nurse!
So many patients gave Grandma gifts...especially tea cups and candy...both of which she loved.
I was blessed to be the recipient of many of the tea cups and they grace our china cabinet with so many memories of one fine lady.
The tea cup and saucer pictured is decorated with forget-me-nots and violets so I decided to make a trip to the flower garden and gather more of the you, Grandma Bessie, I send my love and great have been such an inspiration to me and my family;
thank you from the bottom of my heart!
This vase has significance of another fine lady...Ben's Mother and the best mother-in-law I could have asked for!
Arlene was also in the nursing field, an RN that served proudly and gave the best injection ever!
This vase was a gift to her from our family and she returned it to us prior to her passing.
She was not only a fine nurse but a great cook and I learned bread making from her! I do wish I could make baked beans like she did...we always knew when someone died because she would be found in the kitchen making a huge batch for the grieving family.
The lily of the valley grew in abundance around her house and when she passed, I went and dug up a few starts and planted them at our house and they continue to thrive, reminding me of such a sweet, kind, loving mother-in-law and friend!
Miss you Arlene and love you!